With Martin G. Moore

Episode #129

Executive Breakthrough: Interview with Michelle Foley

We’re changing the pace today and running an interview on the podcast for the very first time!

I recorded this interview with Michelle Foley, Chief Customer Officer at The Arnott’s Group, for the live virtual event that we ran in February 2021. The interview got so much positive feedback during the event, that we wanted our entire podcast audience to have access to it, not just those who could attend.

To give you some context, Michelle has been with The Arnott’s Group for over 17 years now, and knows the company intimately. The iconic Aussie brand that brings us Tim Tam cookies and Jatz crackers is now going through some change, and Michelle is one of the key executives guiding the company through its next phase.

In this episode, Michelle shares her tactics for striking a balance between being a cheerleader for your people, and still being driven by results. She takes a deep dive into building competitive advantage, the work life juggle, and the legacy she wants to leave.

Given that this is a live event interview recording, the audio quality isn’t as sharp as usual, but the content is absolute gold so I really hope you enjoy this change in format!

I’d love to hear what you think about this format, so please share this episode on your social media channels and tag us @yourceomentor, and let us know if you’d like us to run more interviews like this.

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