With Martin G. Moore

Episode #133

Elite Athlete to Top Executive: Interview with Luc Robitaille

After 130-odd episodes of me giving my two-cents worth on all things leadership, we’re starting to introduce the occasional interview with a leader who has really made a difference in the world.

In this episode, I interview Luc Robitaille, President of the Los Angeles Kings NHL franchise. After a 20-year career as an elite athlete in one of the toughest sporting arenas on the planet, Luc made the successful transition to corporate executive ranks.

We hear a lot of talk in business about the concept of world class performance. In this episode, we’ll give you some insight into what that actually means!

I’d love to hear what you think about this format, so please share this episode on your social media channels and tag us @yourceomentor, and let us know if you’d like us to run more interviews like this.

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