With Martin G. Moore

Episode #234

Employee to Entrepreneur: The Art of Self-Leadership with Amy Porterfield

Without Amy Porterfield there would be no Your CEO Mentor, no No Bullsh!t Leadership podcast and no Leadership Beyond the Theory, the program that has transformed thousands of leaders on six continents!

Amy’s work laid the foundations for our business model, and it’s her content that enabled Em to develop the strategy that convinced me to quit my CEO gig and start this business, following my true calling.

I was incredibly fortunate to have a deeply insightful conversation with Amy, as we talk through her business journey (over $80 million in revenue from online course sales over the past 14 years) and her view on why self-leadership is so critical if you want to take control of your career, be it in the corporate world or as an entrepreneur.

We cover so much in this interview:

  • How to bridge the gap between a brilliant idea and a profitable business

  • The key to long term success when starting something new

  • How to consistently innovate

  • Why it’s important to be in the ‘right room’ of people, and how to get there

  • The most valuable piece of advice she received from Tony Robbins (this is GOLD)

  • Maximizing productivity with an all-virtual workforce

And so much more!

This interview was an absolute joy to record and I hope you get a huge amount of value out of it.

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  • Amy Porterfield’s book ‘Two Weeks Notice’ is now available. Order here

  • Episode #194: Are Entrepreneurs Happier? – Listen Here

  • Episode #229: Confidence, Arrogance and Self Doubt – Listen Here

  • Episode #159: Managing Your Career – Listen Here


  • Explore other podcast episodes – Here

  • Take our FREE Level Up Leadership Masterclass – Start Now

  • Check out our 8-week online leadership program, Leadership Beyond the TheoryLearn More


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